Since 2021, companies whose securities are traded on European regulated markets are required to publish their annual financial statements following the ESEF regulation.
We offer a hassle-free service to prepare an annual report that meets the ESEF requirements. We already have a ready-made solution that allows you to get your validated XHTML report without waste of time and effort and minimum additional workload for your team.
The European Single Electronic Format is the electronic reporting format in which issuers on EU regulated markets shall prepare their annual financial reports from January 1 2020. In 2013, the Transparency Directive (TD) that sets rules on harmonisation of transparency requirements of issuers, was amended to include a requirement for issuers to prepare their annual financial reports in a single electronic reporting format (ESEF). That means the new XHTML + iXBRL format is applied to the reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2022.
Extensible HyperText Markup Language. XHTML is human-readable.
iXBRL (Inline XBRL)
Extensible Business Reporting Language. XBRL International sets the specification. XBRL is computer-readable. The new format allows specialised information systems to process financial statements and company data automatically. Human readable and computer-readable (XHTML+XBRL tags).
Pre-defined list of electronic tags, labels, descriptions, and definitions.
Based on our experience with XBRL since 2012, Zebra has created our proprietary solution for iXBRL tagging and reporting in XHTML format in accordance with ESEF regulation. Here are the benefits: